PHP Web Statistic Untuk Blog Anda Tanpa Menggunakan Database (hanya flat file)

Mahendra Reply 2:26 AM

Ingin memiliki website statistik untuk menganalisa jumlah kunjungan terhadap website atau blog anda? cobalah BBclone, sebuah script web counter yang dibuat dengan PHP dan memberikan info detail tentang jumlah kunjungan pada website anda dengan menampilkan profil pengunjung lengkap dengan IP, Browser dan masih banyak lagi, tidak sekedar hanya menampilkan jumlah pengunjung saja, selain itu BBClone menggunakan flat file untuk menyimpan data laporan statistiknya, dan tidak memerlukan database mysql untuk menampung data.
BBclone memiliki fitur sebagai berikut:
  • IP address,
  • hostname,
  • operating system,
  • robots,
  • browser,
  • referring URL (where do they come from),
  • visit date,
  • number of time the visitor has loaded the page,
  • number of visitor
  • the visited pages in the order someone viewed them
  • the last visited page
  • the search engine query that lead to your site (if applicable)
  • ranking of the most frequent countries, referrers, OS, browsers, robots, page views and hostnames
Fitur lainnya adalah:
  • Easy customisation of font sizes, number of columns and their order, the number of icons to be displayed, duration of a unique visit.
  • 32 translations: Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian (BokmÃ¥l), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian
  • Easy integration into MovableType, Pivot, Drupal, Textpattern, Wordpress, e107, CMSimple, CMComplex and possibly some more applications
  • Standard Compliance: BBClone conforms to XHTML 1.0 and CSS recommendations and doesn't lock out particular browsers or operating systems
  • no database required
  • reload resistance
  • hostname resolution (can be turned off)
  • time statistics (either by hits or unique visits)
  • proxy workaround and display
  • Whois lookup of ip addresses
  • exclusion of referrers coming from particular sites
  • support for rel=nofollow flag in referrer links against referrer spam
  • referrer filtering of the ones from the server itself
  • removal of query strings to get more useful summarized rankings
  • number of visits by a visitor
  • logging routine optimized to run fast on most websites
  • Exclusion of IPs or IP ranges from being counted
  • Ranking of the most frequent keywords from search engines
  • Accurate country allocation of visitors by using its own lookup database
  • Visualisation of visitors by using icons
Untuk mencoba demo dari BBClone : DEMO BBCLONE WEB STATISTIC

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