Sandboxie 4.18

Mahendra Reply 10:35 AM
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Sandboxie 4.18

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By Sandboxie (Freeware)

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  • Old Version
  • New Version
Lelah berurusan dengan perangkat lunak nakal, spyware dan malware?

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Memperkenalkan Sandboxie: Sandboxie menjalankan program Anda di ruang terisolasi yang mencegah mereka dari membuat perubahan permanen ke program lain dan data di komputer Anda.

Manfaat dari Sandbox Terisolasi:

  • Secure Web Browsing: Menjalankan browser Web Anda di bawah perlindungan Sandboxie berarti bahwa semua perangkat lunak berbahaya didownload oleh browser terjebak dalam sandbox dan dapat dibuang trivial.
  • Peningkatan Privasi: Browsing history, cookies, dan file-file sementara cache dikumpulkan saat browsing Web tinggal di kotak pasir dan tidak bocor ke Windows.
  • Aman E-mail: Virus dan perangkat lunak berbahaya lainnya yang mungkin bersembunyi di email Anda tidak bisa keluar dari sandbox dan tidak dapat menginfeksi sistem Anda yang sesungguhnya.
  • Windows Tetap Ramping: Mencegah mengenakan-dan-robek di Windows dengan menginstal perangkat lunak ke dalam sandbox terisolasi.
Download Sandboxie 4.18 (6.6 MB)

Visit Official Website Sandboxie
  • Title: Sandboxie 4.18
  • Version: 4.18
  • File Size: 6.6 MB
  • License: Freeware
  • Author: Sandboxie
  • Homepage:
  • MD5: a8e85dd240000ce99ca0b50d974badb3
What's new in this version:
A security hole with the Windows print spooler has been plugged. An application could use the print spooler to write an arbitrary file outside the sandbox. If Sandboxie detects that the print spooler is attempting to write a file outside the sandbox at the request of a sandboxed application, it will issue "SBIE1319 Blocked spooler print to file". NOTE: Some printer drivers write temporary files to their own work area, even when not printing to file. In these cases, you will get SBIE1319 even when printing normally (not to file). The print may still print successfully. In this situation, you can safely ignore SBIE1319, hide the error message, or open the folder as described below. There are 3 ways to allow the print spooler to print to file:
  • If you trust the process that is printing, you can double-click the SBIE1320 (that follows SBIE1319) to allow the print spooler to write files outside the sandbox for that particular process.
  • The spooler can write files outside the sandbox according to OpenFilePath settings. This enables you to permanently open the folders a particular printer driver uses to store its work files.
  • You can manually add the setting AllowSpoolerPrintToFile=y to sandboxie.ini. This is not recommended as it leaves your sandbox open to a print spooler exploit.
  • Any error msgs generated when auto-deleting a sandbox will now be shown to the user.
  • Fixed Chrome SBIE2205 Service not implemented: Win32Init.5 (00000005)
  • Added Hitman Pro Alert to templates.ini
  • Changed hook for ChangeDisplaySettingsEx() to allow CDS_RESET. A user reported that a game (fifa15) is trying to use this and failing resulting in incorrect display colors.
  • Distributed File System (DFS) mapped drives are now supported (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=18825&p=100656)
  • VMWare HGFS (Host Guest File System) mapped drives are now supported.
  • A BSOD bugcheck reported by a user when using bittorrent has been removed (this was a rare situation). SbieDrv was detecting corrupted memory when no corruption had occurred.
  • Fixed a rare bug in clipboard handling that could crash SbieSvc.
  • WebEx running under Chrome would sometimes hang.
  • Recent Windows update in Win 8-64 causes Skype (and possibly other apps) to issue error SBIE2335 Initialization failed for process Skype.exe 33 / 0?

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